Preparation of complex report and construction supervision during construction for modernization of the Sofia-Plovdiv railway line: railway section Sofia-Elin Pelin, part of the project “Modernization of the railway line Sofia – Plovdiv: railway sections Sofia – Elin Pelin and Elin Pelin – Septemvri ”

Reconstruction of a tram rail track on “Kamenodelska” Str. From the crossroad with “K. Stoilov “

to the Orlandovtsi Tramway Ear and Reconstruction of a Tramway Railroad on Tsar Boris III Boulevard from Knyazhevo Ear to ear Courthouse without the sections of “Ruski Pametnik” square and the crossroad of “Tsar Boris III ” Blvd. and “G. Delchev” under the project “Integrated metropolitan urban transport – Phase II “, under the Operational Program “Regions in Growth 2014-2020 ” , under the procedure for direct grant awarding “Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development”, Title of procedure: BG16RFOP001 -1.001-039 “Implementation of Integrated Urban Recovery and Development Plans 2014-2020”

Consultancy service for control, management, conformity assessment

Construction Supervision and Preparation of Technical Passports for Three Traction Substations “, for a number of positions, for lot 2:” Consultancy service for control, management, conformity assessment, construction supervision and preparation of technical passports for Belovo traction substation ”

Urban environment with three various locations

Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Pedestrian Environment and Construction of Public Recreation Areas, Investment Priority Lot No 3: Park of Youth – reconstruction and park development, incl. construction of a large children’s playground and open-air fitness grounds, Rousse, Vazrajdane quarter – fourth stage

Removal of a landslide emergency

Selection of a consultant within the meaning of Art. 166 of the SPA for sites: Lot No 2: Selection of consultant within the meaning of Art. 166 of the TDA for the site: Repair of 110 kV “Galabets”

Railway line №4 Ruse – Podkova – reconstruction

“Conformity Assessment of the Investment Project with the Essential Requirements for Construction, Construction Supervision and Compilation of a Construction Passport:” Railway Line №4 Rousse – Podkova – Reconstruction – Emergency Strengthening of Earth – Rocks from km 191 + 080 to km 191 + 140 in the Plachkovtsi – Krastets interchange ”

Construction supervision for municipal property in separate lots

Lot 6:

  • Reconstruction of a crossroad Elin Pelin Str. And Panagyurishte Str., Rousse
  • Temporary outdoor parking lot at bl.8 in hc. Druzhba 3, Rousse
  • Temporary outdoor parking lot east of bl. Phoenix in the bc. East, Rousse
  • Construction of a parking lot for cars serving a street in PI 63427.2.319 and development in kv.142 and kv.142.1, UPI XVI-4884 and RED XIX-for transformer station, southeast of the Fellowship of the Master, Rousse
  • Temporary open parking for cars servicing a street from 8570 up to 10201 and public building around. bl. Drava, Rousse
  • Reconstruction of “Potsdam” Str. And the connection with Bulgaria Blvd. – Blvd. Lipnik, Rousse
  • Pedestrian railway crossing to provide pedestrian crossing between hc. Rodina 4 and bc. Central South Region – Rousse “

Construction of an optical cable network and digital apparatus in the NRIC

By detached positions Section 2: Supervision “Construction of an optical cable network and digital apparatus on the fifth railway line in Radomir – Blagoevgrad section

Construction supervision during implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction of municipal road SML 2109

Construction supervision during the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the municipal road SML 2109 / III 867 / Zlatograd – Alamovtsi and municipal road SML 2100 / III 867, Madan – Tsatsarovtsi / Strashimir – Boevo neighborhood and their equipment and belongings, located in the Municipality of Zlatograd, by lot “, as follows: Lot No 1: Construction supervision during the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the municipal road SML 2109 / III 867 / Zlatograd – Alamovtsi and its belongings.

Reconstruction of the design speed in the Rebrovo – Svoge interconnector

Selection of a contractor for the execution of construction supervision, preparation of a complex report for assessment of the compliance of the project documentation with the essential requirements for the construction and drawing up of a technical passport of the site:

Restoration of the design speed in the interconnector Rebrovo – Svoge, road № 2 from km 24+ 589 to km 32 + 573 with a length of 7984 m


Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Pedestrian Environment and Construction of Public Recreation Areas, Investment Priority

Non-Item No 3: Youth Park – Reconstruction and Park Development, incl. construction of a large children’s playground and open-air fitness grounds, Rousse, Vazrajdane quarter – fourth stage

Blvd. Dragan Tsankov № 4, Sofia

Lot 1 – “Preparation of Conformity Assessment of the Investment Project and Assessment of Compliance under Part” Energy Efficiency “for Project” Renovation and Reconstruction of a Building, 4, Dragan Tsankov Blvd., Sofia for the needs of the authorities of the Judiciary, hereinafter referred to as the “Main Contract” Contracting Authority – Supreme Judicial Council

Repair of 110 kV Pravets and Galabets VL

Road VTR 1079 / III-662 / Elena – Lazartsi – Miykovtsi at km 9 + 100 ”

Construction supervision and preparation of technical passports for traction substations Kazichene and Ihtiman

Consultative service for control, management, conformity assessment, construction supervision and preparation of technical passports for three traction substations “, for individual positions, for lot 1:” Consultancy service for control, management, conformity assessment, construction supervision and preparation of technical passports for traction substations Kazichene and Ihtiman ”

Development of inter-block spaces in the Odessos area

Lot 4: including aesthetics and modernization of “Mihail Coloni” Str., Including the Velizar and Ekzarh Yosif Square, Varna

Project “Integrated urban transport system of Rousse

2nd stage, investment priority “Integrated Urban Transport” with three distinct positions: Lot No 3: Reconstruction of “Pridonavski” Blvd. and rehabilitation of 3 pcs. paragliders


Assessment of the compliance of the investments made to the construction site in the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the requirements and procedure for site control: Design, delivery and construction of route-computer centralization (MCC) at Sindel station.

Development of the railway junction Sofia – railway section Sofia – Voluyak

“Assessment of the compliance with the basic requirements for the construction works according to the TDA, construction supervision during construction and management of the execution of the design / construction and construction contracts for project 2014-BG-TMC-0133-W – Development of the railway node Sofia: railway section Sofia – Voluyak

The electrification of the Vinkovtsi – Vukovar railway line

Service for the supervision of the execution of the construction works for the modernization, renewal and electrification of the Vinkovci – Vukovar railway line, Croatia

Reconstruction of the Karnobat station

Consultancy service for verification of the existence of significant and minor deviations from the approved investment project according to Art.154 of the TDA and coordination of the working drawings and details, execution of the construction supervision and management of the construction contract “Reconstruction of the Karnobat station complex, including drawing up of drawings and details ”

Devnya Cement AD

Reconstruction of an alternative fuel supply system

Selection of a Consultant within the meaning of Art. 166 of the TDA

Design and construction of perimeter fence, covered entrance and CCP to Technical Block – ATS for AIR Burgas

Reconstruction of a pedestrian alley between the village of Shkorpilovtsi and resort Shkorpilovtsi

Industrial railway branch and unloading of an ethanol factory – Verinsko